Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Inforgraphic & Data Management

Information graphics, also known as 'Inforgraphic', is a commonly used media text in many media outlets, for a variety of purposes, ranging from academic to commercial usage.  Check out the explanation on popular online media/technology site, Mashable, re: Inforgraphic.

Our 7/8 students will be exploring this form of media text in our Data Management unit.  After viewing some of the examples available on the Internet, we came up with this definition and a set of criteria for an effective inforgraphic poster:

What is an "Inforgraphic" poster?

Poster that includes graphics (graphs, charts, tables, diagram, ) that illustrates sets of data to support a statement

What makes an 'inforgraphic' poster Good?

  • Eye catching (elements and principles of design)
  • Clear purpose stated 
  • Relevant and useful info (accordingly to the topic)
  • To the point (clear and concise)
  • Main ideas expressed through both graphics and text

Please join our exploration and provide us with your input (re: definition, examples, or adding to the list of criteria)


Here are a few samples we looked at as a class to determine the criteria: (images shown below were used in the classroom for reference purposes only; all copyrights and attributions remains with the original contributors/creators)