Saturday, March 31, 2018

POTW #25 - Caribou this week

Please remember to BYOD for Caribou this Wednesday (if you can).

POTW #24 Solution:

POTW #25 Question:

Saturday, March 24, 2018

POTW #24 - Algebra Unit Test Practice

Be sure to check last week's solution. It will help you for Thursday's forthcoming Unit test. Further, this week's POTW is for Algebra practice as well! Good luck.

POTW #23 Solution:

POTW #24 Question:

Sunday, March 11, 2018

POTW #23 - Enjoy the March Break!

I hope everyone has a great week off. For those of you working on ISPs, hopefully you didn't leave too much to the last minute!

POTW #22 Solution:

POTW #23 Question: Algebra Practice!

Friday, March 2, 2018

POTW #22 - Keep Up the GREAT Work!

It was great to talk with students this week about the latest POTW. Keep asking those critical questions about the POTW and don't forget to submit your answers, even if your solutions were done on hard copy. For this week's POTW, Mr. Milette challenges you to try using algebra in your solution.

POTW #21 Solution:

POTW #22 Question: (there are different ways to solve it, can you use your algebra unit knowledge to do so?)