Thursday, September 27, 2018


Please continue to problem-solve how to log-in properly.

POTW #3 Solution:

Grade 7 POTW #4 Question:
Aliyah had a great summer job, working at the Maple Community Centre. 
Her job was to make sure the company’s employees are being paid relatively 
equally based on their responsibilities. She needs to review all employee 
records by location: the pool, library, fitness area, etc. The pool manager, Aniya, 
volunteers to go first, while its longest serving employee, Simon, decides to go 
second. Aliyah surveyed the salaries of all the pool staff and finds the 
following annual salaries:
$35,000, $42,000, $36,000, $74,000, $38,000, $40,000, $39,000, $42,000

What is mean salary? What is the median? The mode? What is the range of the salaries? 
Which salary is probably Aniya’s salary? Why do you think that?

Grade 8 POTW #4 Question:
The chart above shows the gas prices in the GTA for the past month. For each of the past 4 
Sundays the prices were (in cents/Litre):

109.8, 109.3, 111.1, 129.7

What was the mean gasoline Sunday price? What was the median Sunday price? The mode? 
Which measure of central tendency is most accurate to represent this particular data set? Are there 
outliers? If so, provide SEVERAL REAL-WORLD explanations for the outlier(s)? Is there a trend 
in the data set? If so, provide SEVERAL REAL-WORLD explanations (you may need to do some 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Math POTW #3

This week is GREAT practice for central tendency. If you have problems calculating central tendency make sure you talk with your teacher!

Please continue to troubleshoot how to properly log-in and post your work. Also, do not use your last name on this website please.

Happy POTW-ing...

Grade 7/8 Solution POTW #2
Here is the answer for POTW #2

Grade 7/8 Question POTW #3 (central tendency):

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Math POTW #2 2018/2019 - Great first POTW Turn-out!

Great work all y'all on the first POTW! Please continue to troubleshoot how to properly log-in and post your work. Also, do not use your last name on this website please.

Each week will now also include the previous POTW answers. See below. Ask me if you have any questions! Happy POTW-ing...

Grade 8 Solution POTW #1

Grade 7 Solution POTW #1

Grade 7/8 Question POTW #2
There is a math riddle involving the missing piece of the triangle below. 
The area seems to remain the same yet there is a piece missing when you reorganize the 
Right triangle. BOTH triangles make a 13 x 5 shape. 
All you've done is reconfigure the parts of the triangle, the sizes of each piece 
have not changed. How can there be a missing space if it makes the same shape? 
Explain with details.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Math POTW #1 2018/2019 - Math Enrichment and Extensions

Math POTW #1 2018/2019 - Math Enrichment and Extensions

Welcome back all returning Cranny Intermediates, and hello to all of you new Intermediates! (i.e. Grade 7s and newcomers to our school). I know Alan L. was one of our great POTW contributors last year and the year before (he's off to the Gr. 9 MaCS program now, wow!) He passed the torch along to the likes of Seayrohn, Fiona, Esther, Jessica, among many others, who did an amazing job each week in Grade 7. Keep it up for Grade 8! I hope other Grade 8s can also contribute answers each and every week, as well as help support their Grade 7s peers. I wonder who in Grade 7 will be our outstanding Math POTW contributor this year?

As Fiona, Maxwell, and Seayrohn can attest, I can also use questions that YOU have created if you'd like. Just come see me (Mr. Milette) with your GAPPS file (question AND full solution provided).

As most of you know, this website is a space where Mr. Milette seeks to challenge you with the Math Problem of the Week! (A.K.A. POTW). Usually, two questions will be posted each week. One question is geared toward the Grade 7s and a second question is more for the Grade 8s. You are challenged to answer both questions each week, but only your specific-grade question is mandatory. Both of the Grade 7 & 8 questions can be considered enrichment-type math problems, so they’re a great way to be challenged!

The most important requirement of this website is YOUR participation. This may come in the form of:
- sharing your POTW answer
- posting your comments, questions, and replies to others
- seeking out the answers to POTWs (answers are posted a week after the question has been posted)
- reading and following new posts

With that being said, it is absolutely pivotal that you remind yourself about online netiquette. You must always consider the feelings of others when posting comments. Before you press 'Submit' or 'Send' or 'Publish' please ask yourself the following two questions: "Would I say this in-person to someone, face-to-face?" and "Is my comment helpful in any way?" If the answer to either of those questions is "No" then YOU MUST revise your comment.

You will find below the first POTW for the 2018-2019 school year! Please submit any and all responses regardless if you think someone else has the same answer. Both Grade 7 and Grade 8 students can submit answers in the same reply section, please just state which question you’ll be answering at the beginning of your post. Remember in Mathematics you can always show your work in a multitude of different ways!

Be sure to also comment on other students' work, provide feedback to others, and ask clarifying questions.

Always remember to be signed-in to your gapps account before submitting a response. Enjoy the POTW! (Please ask a one of the Grade 8 POTW pros if you have issues with signing-in)
Grade 7 POTW #1 Question:
Grade 8 POTW #1 Question: