Monday, December 9, 2013

The Hour of CODE (Dec 9 to Dec 15)

Yup, the week we've all been waiting for is here! We will brave into new world of programming language together this week.  Despite your level of prior knowledge or background in programming, we invite you to join us in the exploration of the language that makes computer ticks!

Check out this infographic by clicking on the image below:

Image from

So here is how:

Step 1: Whole Class Activity (date determined by your Math teacher: Fairbarn, Milette, or Huang)

We will explore the coding language with this introductory 'computer less' activity "My Robotic Friend"

Step 2: Paired Exploration **Please turn off the volume or use your own headphones

With a partner of your choice, you will be provided with time to explore these tutorials of your choice

Write Your First Computer Program (
Build Your Own Game (
Code Combat (
Build an iPhone Game *advance activity (

Step 3: Beyond the Hour

For some of you adventurers, you can either use extra time in class or on your own time to explore what has to offer at LEARN

We want to hear from you!
- What was one of your 'misconceptions' about coding?
- What is one 'cool' thing about coding after this week for you?
- What is one connection between coding and Math that you have discovered during this week of activities?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

YR Science & Technology Fair! (Awesome Opportunity)

Hi Cranny Intermediates, (a message from the YRDSB),
"It’s that time of year again to start thinking about encouraging students to participate in the York Region Science and Technology Fair taking place on Saturday, April 5th at Stephen Lewis Secondary School.    The fair is a great opportunity for students to share the product of their independent inquiries in a real world context and gives them the opportunity to engage with members of the community to share their research.  Participation in the fair is open to all Grade 7 and 8 students enrolled in York Region schools.   Registration opens January 6th, 2014 and closes March 7th, 2014.  Please share the attached flyer/ information.  Schools may submit up to a maximum of 5 projects per school, but the final number of projects accepted will be dependent on the number of registrations received and the available space.  
Gold medal winners will be eligible for an all expenses paid trip to the Canada Wide Science Fair in May!

Please note:
  • Students need to have a "Mentor" over the age of 18, but it does not need to be a teacher.
  • Students may enter projects that they have done as part of a school project as long as they have worked individually or in pairs on the project.  Projects involving 3 or more students do not qualify for the fair.
  • Students using "human" subjects in their research must complete the proper ethics forms and must have all participants sign a consent form prior to beginning their research!
Please do not hesitate to ask questions here, contact teachers, or ask around if you have questions."