Thursday, January 28, 2016

POTW #20 - A Pressing Issue

Great job on the last POTW y'all. It is a great precursor to our units on angles and measurement. The answer was 108cm squared.

The new POTW is below:

Thursday, January 21, 2016

POTW #19 -All Things Being Equal

Great job on that last POTW. We had many correct answers of (2 x 3 x 5) sqaured = 900.

The latest POTW is below:

Thursday, January 14, 2016

POTW #18 - Prime Picking

Great work on POTW #17. I liked seeing the full responses out of some people. Make sure you always provide details in your answers! The total area to carpet was 24,000cm squared and the total area to paint would be 18,000cm squared. Does anyone know what these measurements would be in meters squared?

POTW #18 is below: