Thursday, January 28, 2016

POTW #20 - A Pressing Issue

Great job on the last POTW y'all. It is a great precursor to our units on angles and measurement. The answer was 108cm squared.

The new POTW is below:


  1. The Ratio is 27:18 for for apple juice and water in the 45 L jug but if you wanted to reduce it, it would 3:2 as I divided 27 by 9 which is 3 and 18 by 9 which is 2.

  2. If there is 18 liters of juice removed and replaced with water then if you subtract 18 from 45 you should get your ratio which is
    18:27 27 liters of water and 18 litres of pure apple juice

  3. He first has 9 liters of water and 36 liters of pure juice. The current ratio is 1:4. So we divide 9 liters of water into 4 and got 1.8 which is the amount of water removed. Then I multiply 1.8 by 4 and got 7.2 liters of juice removed. The current water amount is 7.2 liters and the apple juice level is 28.8 liters. Adding the 9 liters of water into 7.2 and got 16.2 liters of water and 28.8 of juice. The final ratio is 16.2 : 28.8.

  4. I wasn't signed in, so my comment didn't save. I'm too lazy to write is again, so I will just put the answer of:
    29.25:15.75 is the ratio of juice (left) and water (right) in the mixture.

  5. First, since 45-9=36, we know that he know has 9 litres of water and 36 litres of pure apple juice. Reduced, the ratio is 1:4 in the current mixture. However now he takes out 9 litres of the mixture:
    9/5 x 4=7.2 litres of pure apple juice removed
    9-7.2=1.8 litres of water removed
    The current water amount is 7.2 litres and the current pure apple juice amount is 28.8 litres. However, 9 litres of water is added to the solution to give you 16.2 litres of water.
    Therefore, the ratio of pure apple juice to water in Steve's final 45 litre mixture is 28.8:16.2 litres.

  6. So first I found out of the mixture was apple juice and then water,
    If the ratio of pure apple juice to water is 36 : 9 and that the mixture is 45L than you should be able to tell that for every 1/5 of the mixture is 9L because 45 / 9 equals five and 36 / 9 equals 4 so everything is a multiply of 9.
    So if 4/5 of the mixture is apple juice and 1/5 is water than if you take 1/5 of the mixture out 1/5 would be water while 4/5 will be apple juice.
    So 1/5 of 9L is 1.8 (9/5 = 1.8) and 4/5 of 9L is 7.2 (1.8 * 4).
    9L of water minus 1.8L of water equals 7.2L of water left in the mixture while 36L of water minus 7.2L of apple juice is 28.8.
    Yet we still haven't added the 9L of water he used to replace the 9L of 4/5 apple jucie and 1/5 water so 7.2 plus 9 equals 16.2L.
    So the ratio of pure apple juice to water is 28.8L : 16.2L ( not 16.2L: 28.8 becasue of the order in which you stated apple juice: water)

  7. At the beginning the ratio of the apple juice, and water is 45:0

    When the juice is taken away, and replaced with water giving 36:9 (4:1 = 5)
    Both numbers are divisible by 9 given the reduced amount above.

    9/5 = 1.8 litres x 4 = 7.2 litres
    1.8 litres = water
    7.2 litres = juice
    =9 litres removed

    juice: 36 - 7.2 = 28.8
    water: 9 - 1.8 = 7.2 + 9 = 16.2 litres

    That gives 28.8:16.2

  8. 45-9=36+9=45
    36:9 For the first replacement
    36/5= 7.2
    9-1.8=7.2+9 =16.2
    The ratio is 28.8:16.2

  9. First, I know that the ratio from apple juice to water is 45:0. Then he took away 9 litres of apple juice and replaced it with water. 45-9=36. 36:9 is the new ratio.
    7.2+1.8=9 litres removed
    9-1.8=7.2+9 = 16.2
    New ratio:

  10. Did my math on paper, so this is just the answer. The ratio of apple juice to water after adding more water and removing some of the apple juice and mixture is 28.8:16.2.

  11. Steve had a total of 45L of juice, and added 9 liters, giving him a 36:9 or 4:1 ratio of apple juice to water.
    So when 9 liters is removed and replaced with water, 1/5 of 9 or 1.8 is the amount of water removed and 4/5 or 7.2 is the amount of juice removed
    36-7.2= 28.8
    9-1.8+9= 16.2
    Therefore the ratio of juice to water is 28.8 : 16.2
    Simplified it can be 14.4:8.1

  12. The first ratio of water to apple juice is 45:0. As 9 litres of apple juice are taken away, I subtracted 9 from 45 to get 36. Therefore, the new ratio is 36:9.
    9L = 1/5 of 45L
    9/5 = 1.8
    36/9 = 4
    1.8x4 = 7.2
    7.2+1.8 = 9 litres that were removed
    36-7.2 = 28.8
    9-1.8 = 7.2
    7.2+9 litres added = 16.2
    The new ratio of apple juice to water is 28.8 : 16.2

  13. 45-9=36
    36:9 (4:1=5)
    New Ratio is 28.8:16.2

  14. He started with 45 then removed 9
    45-9=36 (36:9)
    Now 9-1.8=7.2+9=16.2
    Now i have found the new ratio of (28.8:16.2)
