Wednesday, January 30, 2019

POTW #19 - Welcome to Term 2 POTW

Practice, practice practice, into Term 2! Keep it going...

POTW #19 Grade 7 Question:
POTW #19 Grade 8 Question:

POTW #18 Solution:

Sunday, January 27, 2019

POTW #18 - Work Habits and Learning Skills...

As Report cards are coming out in a few weeks, remember the POTW can be related to many things outside of math (like Responsibility and Initiative, even Collaboration).

POTW #17 Solution Gr.7:

POTW #17 Solution Gr.8

POTW #18 Question Gr. 7/8: 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

POTW #17 - Back into it...

So we are back into the swing of POTW. Please check your solutions from #16 below and the latest POTW #17 is below as well. Good luck on Caribou #3 today!

POTW #16 grade 8 Solution:

POTW #16 grade 7 Solution:

POTW #17 Grade 7 Question:

POTW #17 Grade 8 Question:

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

POTW #16 - Welcome to 2019!

Welcome back everyone and welcome to the first POTW of 2019! I hope everyone had a relaxing break. I am looking forward to the ski trip Friday. Dress WARM!!!!

Grade 7 Math POTW #16 Question:
Grade 8 Math POTW #16 Question:
Grade 7 Math POTW Optional Winter Break Solution #1:

Math POTW Optional Winter Break Grade 8 Solution #1:
Grade 8 Math POTW #15 Solution:

Grade 7 Math POTW #15 Solution:
Grade 7/8 Math POTW Optional Winter Break Solution #2: