Thursday, April 25, 2019

POTW #30 - Caribou and Gauss

A reminder that Caribou will be May 2nd and Gauss will be May 15th (please pay on school cash online if you have not yet done so).

POTW #29 Solution:

POTW #30 Challenge 2:

POTW #30 Challenge 1:

Thursday, April 18, 2019

POTW #29 - Happy...

Happy Easter and Pesach to those who are celebrating!

POTW #29 Question:

POTW #28 Solution:

Thursday, April 11, 2019

POTW #28 - Thursday, April 11th

I hope you like my creative title to this POTW.

Don't forget Arts night is Thursday, April 18th.

POTW #28 Question:

POTW #27 Solution Grade 7:

POTW #27 Solution Gr. 8:

Thursday, April 4, 2019

POTW #27 - Weigh 2 Gough!

Great work on the Algebra assessment last week. Students performed incredibly well! I hope Caribou went well yesterday, too.

This week's POTW will introduce some of our new unit work on geometry.

POTW #27 Gr. 7 Question:

POTW #27 Gr. 8 Question:

POTW #26 Solution: