Thursday, October 11, 2012

Launching PBL> Transformation:Cranny

We spent a good deal of time working together to get the project TRANSFORMATION: Cranny off the ground in the past two weeks.  Students in both Ms. Fernandes & Fairbarn's classes have been putting their heads together and getting familiar with the project; and we also just introduced the idea to Ms. Rauti's grade 7s this morning as well.

The concept behind PBL is all about student inquiry.  Students are introduced to a real-life challenge that requires critical thinking, collaboration, and sound communication in order to complete the task: all three, arguably, are key skills in the 21st century, both at school and work place.

True to the essence of student inquiry, we wanted the students to take ownership in their learning.  We started by presenting the challenge; from that point on-ward, students took over and dictated our directions.  In small groups, our learners work together to create a comprehensive list of 'considerations' for this type of projects (such a budget, timeline, etc.); they then brainstormed for a list of required 'skills' for each consideration (for example, you need to know basic computation and/or working knowledge of budgeting softwares, in order to plan the budget for the project.)  The outcome of this inquiry becomes the learning goals and success criteria for future mini-lesson focus and inquiries.

What do you think about the list we've created here?  Do you see anything you can add to our list of considerations and skills? We'd love to hear your input.

Parents: are you working in the field of financial planning, city planning, interior design, office furniture retails, architecture, or marketing?  Would you be interested in participating in this project as a member of the panel or a guest speaker?  Please contact the intermediate teachers if you are interested! 

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