Thursday, December 17, 2015

POTW #16 - More Geometric Illusions!

Here is the answer for #15 . Also, big thanks to Caelan for her great explanation in class!

POTW #16 is similar. How can this never-ending chocolate bar be explained?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

POTW #15 - Confusing Triangle

There is a math riddle involving the missing piece of the triangle below. The area seems to remain the same yet there is a piece missing when you reorganize the right triangle. BOTH triangles make a 13 x 5 shape. All you've done is reconfigure the parts of the triangle, the sizes of each piece have not changed. How can there be a missing space if it makes the same shape? Explain with details.

Below is the answer for POTW #14:

Thursday, December 3, 2015

POTW #14

Great job in seeing that Willy's score would be 9.7. See the latest POTW #14 below: