Sunday, April 7, 2013

Photo Essay and Visualization

We've started a photo essay project with Mrs. Fairbarn's grade 7 class.  Students are asked to choose a song, identify the message(s) of their favourite parts of the lyrics, and turn these 'words' into 'images' in their photo essays.

What is a Photo Essay?  We investigated this term at the beginning of the project, and decided on this explanation:

A series of photographs that illustrate a narrative, a statement, a purpose, using imagery and symbolism, with minimal text.

We also decided that in order to do this project, we will need to learn:

  • Imagery/Symbolism: Visualization
  • Basic composition 
  • Basic photography techniques
  • Basic post-production techniques (Adobe Photoshop)
  • Understand copy right & fair use policies/regulations
During our investigation about basic photography & post-production techniques , we learned that there are many factors that can impact the message of a photo, thus altering the audience's perception of our work.  We learned that:

When taking the photo, consider:

  • Angle(vantage point): it tells the story!

  • Lighting & exposure

  • Composition: Rule of Thirds

When fixing the photo, consider:
  • cropping & ratio
  • contrast, lighting, exposure (Level)
  • effect (don’t over do it!)
Some of the examples are shown here:

We looked at how cropping and ratio can make a world of difference in photos (see landscape below)

We also briefly looked at how exposure affects your picture quality (and sometimes moods as well~)

We also took a shot at playing with levels and effects to 'change' the story a photo can tell:
nostalgic,  dream like, memory

joyful, good times, love of the game

haunting, tragic, scary
Here are two links used during our mini-lesson, focusing on Rule of Thirds as a way to frame your shots:

Rule of thirds from Jayne Whitelock on Vimeo.

What do you think about this project?  Any suggestions/feedback? Questions? 

Enjoy making your first (?) photo essay! We will be sharing some of our work in the next few weeks! 

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