Saturday, September 21, 2013

"The Marshmallow Challenge" Reflection - Equal Participation

We had another great week of intermediate community building in the four classes. All four teachers were quite impressed with the level of conversation regarding our "marshmallow challenge" debrief and reflection. We centered these conversations around the social and collaborative skill of "equal participation". Effective group work relies HEAVILY on equal participation. Please watch the TEDTalk below regarding collaboration and effective group work. Isn't it interesting that the study found that kindergarten students often obtained the best (and most creative) results?

Please post your replies and comments to our intermediate blogs. Discussions are not just welcomed, but encouraged!


  1. I love the fact that Kindergarten children had one of the tallest structure. They still know how to think outside the box. Marshmallow first!

  2. Sometimes it's not about the knowledge you have acquired but about your ability to collaborate and perform under pressure (18 minutes).
